Health Tips: Eating Healthy Foods Can Help Relieve Stress





Many people do not realize that food and stress are often linked, especially with individuals who suffer from being overweight. However, anyone is capable of relieving stress simply by maintaining a healthier body, which means eating healthy foods that are nutritious, exercising and getting plenty of rest.

These are some basic health tips that are primarily based on eating healthy foods that provide more nutrients and help to decrease the symptoms of stress:

  1. A big no-no when it comes to stress is caffeine. Coffee, which is on the top of the list can sometimes be more than a jump start for your day. It can also be the fuel to make certain situations that are already stressful seem even more overwhelming. Other items that include caffeine are tea, soft drinks, energy drinks and of course, chocolate. If you consume a lot of these products that contain caffeine and your stress level is often relatively high or circumstances often place you in stressful situations, than start limiting the amount of caffeine that you consume. Quitting cold turkey is not a good option, especially if your level of stress is already high. Slowly make adjustments in the amount of caffeine that you consume daily and continue to cut back until you can function without the need for it.

  2. Stress and alcohol do not mix well, even though some people will argue differently. If you must drink alcohol, limit yourself. More often than not, many people will turn to alcohol when they are feeling stressed as a means to release tension and pressure. However, the relief is only limited and a big problem is that the dependence on alcohol to relieve stress can increase.

  3. Some people deal with stress by eating. Food has been known to comfort people who are constantly having to deal with stress. The problem with this is that eating to relieve stress often leads to over eating. Obviously, if you are facing this same situation, make an effort to do something else besides eating. Get involved with family, friends or neighbors with some kind of activity, get more involved with your kids activities, get involved with your spouses activities, join a gym, pick up a new hobby or anything else that will help relieve your stress and keep you from over eating.

  4. Do not miss breakfast or any other meal. Skipping breakfast is not a good idea, especially if you are under a lot of stress. Not eating meals throughout the day can aggravate any of the stress symptoms that you might be suffering from. From an upset stomach, sore and aching muscles, fatigue, sweating, headaches and more, missing meals only makes your stress symptoms worse. Slow down, chew your food and take the time to enjoy your meals.

Making the choice of eating healthy foods that are rich in nutrients, adding an exercising plan and getting plenty of rest is a good start at helping you to relieve stress and improve your overall health.

Written by: K. Ho from





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