Now that Thanksgiving week is officially behind us, it's time to focus on the actual beginning of the holiday season.  It was a tough week to get through, especially with all the commitments and even though I made plans, I was only able to visit the gym once last week.

On top of that, I gained a couple pounds with all the week long meals and treats.  But, don't get me wrong.  It was a good week and I don't feel guilty or that I've sacrificed anything.  I'm not going to beat myself up like so many people do when they are trying to lose weight.

Today is a new day and it's back on track for me.  After all, that's the most important part of accomplishing anything, being able to get back in the saddle and do it again.

Also, when you look at the big picture and considering all the extra food and treats that I enjoyed during the week, a couple of pounds is not something to panic over.  Now, if I was unable to get myself back where I need to be, then it would be a completely different story and something to worry about.

For the last two weeks I have read several journals of other people who are also trying to lose weight.  I can easily see why so many people have a difficult time staying on weight loss programs during the holidays.  For instance, one women suggested removing all sweets, cakes, pies and any other treats from the room before, during and after Thanksgiving dinner.

This may sound obvious, but take into account your family or guests that are visiting.  Also, if you are going to hide almost everything that your family and guests (except for you) will enjoy eating,  my thought is you might as well hide yourself and not attend the festivities and let your guests enjoy themselves.

But, I'm sure everyone can come up with their own similar or even better ideas on how to avoid eating those holiday goodies.

My idea is just to enjoy yourself!  Remember, your not overeating everyday, in fact, it is only for a day.  You are rewarding yourself for one day where you can spend time eating with family and actually enjoying the moment, instead of feeling guilty or deprived.

The idea is to eat sensibly while enjoying your holiday meal, not to overeat and stuff yourself like so many people do.